Classic Rock Vs "Old Timey" Music

Posted at May 15, 2020 by Chad Alvarez

Today as I was editing content at work, I decided to put on some classic Rolling Stones. I dug deep into the well for old classics like "Little Red Rooster" "The Last Time" "All Over Now" and many of the mid to late 60's Stones. Little did I know my 8 yr old daughter was listening.

As I started to get my groove she said, "Dad, why are you listening to "Old Timey" music?" So I asked her if she thought it was good. She said, "No, not really... it sounds old."

Now a part of me wanted to explain to her the greatness and the impact of the Rolling Stones to the history of music, but then I realized it would be a futile effort. She could have cared less. Much the same as advertising. Pinpoint those who are engaged in what you do.

Moral of the story is... KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE!

Another story I want to share is directed at business owners and my plea to you. Stop "thinking" about how "YOU" think, and more how "YOUR CUSTOMERS" think. Let me explain...

Just because you type in keywords a certain way doesn't mean your customers do the same thing. For example, if you look up the phrase "Window Tint" and your business doesn't show up, do not panic. Think of keywords as "Doorways" to your business. There are many keyword threads that link around "WINDOW TINT".  How about "Car Window Tint" "Auto Window Tint" Window Tint for Truck" Window Tint Near Me" etc... The object is to think as if you put 100 people in a room and asked them, "If you were to get your car or truck's window tinted, what keywords would you use?" The answers will be all over the board, and you have to cast a large net, not just a spear.

If you wish to learn more about keyword targeting, audience targeting, re-targeting, pixel tracking and more, contact us at Digital Curve Marketing today! 301-798-4300 -

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