Consideration Marketing. Are You In The Game?

Posted at December 1, 2023 by Chad Alvarez

Think of the last time you made a purchase. How did you come to the conclusion you wanted to purchase from a certain company? Was it their website? Social Media? Google Reviews?

Consideration Marketing

It probably was a combination of all of these things right? Now think about your business... Would you choose yourself against the competition? When customers are looking to buy, they usually choose from 2-3 businesses. All of these factors mentioned greatly impact a buying decision.

When we meet with potential clients, we like to talk about what we call "consideration marketing". When it comes to social media, it is much more than throwing a few hundred bucks and boosting an ad, or looking at vanity metrics (Facebook likes). These are short-sighted goals. Let's think long-term. What puts your company in consideration when a purchasing decision is made?

Social Media Marketing Services

In today's world, most customers have done their research before contacting a company. It usually begins with a google search (80% of the time on their mobile phone) and checks out 3 major areas to make a decision:

  1. *Your Google listing (Reviews, Pictures, Location, etc.),
  2. *Your Website (how current and up-to-date compared to your competitors)
  3. *Your Social Media feeds (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, TikTok, Twitter, etc.).

Humans are visual. We believe what we perceive, and the eyeball test is where "Consideration Marketing" comes in. Yes, we can track stats, (clicks, Likes, Engagement, etc) but think of your entire body of work.

Customers will go down the rabbit hole and look at your posts, your videos, your portfolio, and more. This is the long game we are talking about; a steady dose of consistent, relevant content. That's what wins new customers over time.

There is an old saying... "Nobody got rich sitting still!" This is true with social media. You have to consistently produce content that builds trust with your customers and creates awareness about your brand that you are the "expert" in your field.

So how do you do it? How do you create that awareness of your brand when trying to run a successful business? You have 3 options. (We recommend #3!)

Consideration Marketing with Digital Curve Marketing

  1. *Do it Yourself! (If you have time to do this and run your company full time.)
  2. *Hire a full-time Marketing Manager (50k-60k Annual Salary with paid vacation, sick days, etc?)
  3. *Outsource it to a Marketing Agency for a fraction of the above costs.

If you aren't sure where to start, do a Google search in your industry and see where you rank amongst the competition. If your business is stagnant, it could very well be your lack of a social media presence, or simply... the competition is doing it better! This is where we step in!

Digital Curve Marketing specializes in Social Media Management and more! Stay ahead of the curve and make sure your business is the obvious choice when potential customers are ready to make a buying decision.

Social Media Management with Digital Curve Marketing

Ask us how we can help your business with Social Media, Video Production, Online Reviews, and Web Design. Visit us at today!

Chad Alvarez is the Founder and CEO of Digital Curve Marketing. To learn more about Social Media Marketing Solutions, please contact or call direct 301-798-7904.

Chad Alvarez of Digital Curve Marketing
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