How Social Is Your Media?

Posted at September 24, 2021 by Chad Alvarez

How Social is Your Media?🤔 What does that mean?

Well... sometimes as businesses, we promote too much. 📢Your audience doesn't want to be sold every day... find your voice and share some things about your business your audience might want to know.

It is a known fact that people like to buy from people, not businesses. 🤝Build relationships with your customers so they feel as they know you. 🥰Share details about your company that allows people to relate to you.

For example, Did you know Digital Curve Marketing's employees work 100% remotely and in the summer months on Fridays we stop working at noon?😎 That's because we know social media engagement drops like a stone at noon on Fridays.

Also, did you know that 54% of consumers use social media to research products. (*Globalwebindex)

So I ask again... How Social is Your Media? Do Your Customers relate to your business?

Chad Alvarez is the Founder and CEO of Digital Curve Marketing. To learn more about Social Media Marketing Solutions, please contact or call direct 301-798-7904.

Chad Alvarez of Digital Curve Marketing
Chad Alvarez is the Founder and CEO of Digital Curve Marketing. To learn more about Social Media Marketing Solutions, please contact or call direct 301-798-7904.
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