The Best Networking Channel Is Right In Your Back Yard - Why You Should Join Your Local Chamber of Commerce Today!

Posted at August 2, 2018 by Chad Alvarez

My name is Chad Alvarez, and I am the founder and CEO of Digital Curve Marketing, LLC in Grasonville, MD.  I want to share my story about the best decision I made early in my career with my start-up business.  I didn't have to look that far because this valuable resource is right in my back yard on Kent Island - The Queen Anne's County Chamber of Commerce.

I joined the Queen Anne’s County Chamber of Commerce in March of 2018.  As a new digital marketing company, creating a networking plan to meet other business owners in the area was crucial to the growth of my business.  With brick and mortar stores depending more and more on online exposure, I have a great opportunity to work with every customer from A to Z with the Chamber of Commerce since I work in digital marketing.

The big question people may ask is, "What does the Queen Anne's County Chamber of Commerce do?"  How can they help my business and why should I care?

First off, Linda Friday and Tracy Wilson from Day 1 made me feel right at home with helping me establish my business to the community and learning about my niche in the marketplace.  This is a very important process, because the more they understand about your business, the easier it is for them to refer you when people come into their office asking for local business solutions.  The resources are there.  As a business owner, it is a matter of utilizing their resources and network to become a part of a unique business community.

How to use the Chamber of Commerce Website:

The chamber of commerce website provides you with a directory of businesses that are chamber members with all of their contact information.  As shown below, I have access to almost 700 local businesses at my fingertips to reach out to via email or by phone.  When you login to your account, here are some of the key features you will see:

Directory: A to Z Listing of over 700 local business at your fingertips with contact information.

Don't be afraid to reach out and introduce yourself as a fellow chamber member.  We want you to contact us as we all can benefit from our services we offer each other. The term "BUY CHAMBER" is a real thing!  We want to keep our budget spends with local businesses and maintain a healthy business community.

Keyword Search:  Not sure of a business name?  No problem.  Just search by an industry keyword and you're all set!

Also, the chamber will allow you to post monthly press releases about events you may have, or even discounts you want to run on your services! Just ask about their press releases they can help you with.

My Experience as a New Member

Within my first week of joining the QAC chamber, I received 7 direct leads from local business owners who needed my services, and the referrals just keep coming.  BONUS!

The human element that you get from your local Chamber of Commerce is an added value to any business in Queen Anne's County. They offer monthly social events where you can meet fellow business owners face to face and exchange information while learning more about the business community we live in.  They offer email blasts where you can have them send out email messages to over 700 businesses.  Monthly "Lunch and Learns" where you can present or attend to learn more about the services and industries that surround us.

There are so many added benefits in joining the chamber of commerce and it really is a no-brainer to become a member for an annual fee of around $200.00.

If you are a local business, and still on the fence about joining the Queen Anne's County Chamber of Commerce, I highly recommend you stop in and introduce yourself to Linda and Tracy.  They are a valuable resource and one that any local business would benefit from.

For more information on the Queen Anne's County Chamber of Commerce and how to join, feel free to contact them:


1561 Postal Rd
Chester, MD  21619

Mailing Address:
PO Box 511
Chester, MD   21619

Monday- Friday

Phone Number:


Chad Alvarez is the Founder and CEO of Digital Curve Marketing, LLC.  If you would like to learn more about Digital Marketing Solutions for your business, visit us at:

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