Team Trace

About This Project

February 4, 2021

Team Trace is a non-profit organization with a mission to improve outcomes for children with CHD by raising awareness, supporting and developing community outreach programs, and funding CHD research.

Team Trace was in need of a new website to better facilitate their mission and their fund-raising efforts. We wanted to make Trace's story was heard through photos that celebrate his life, and to bring better awareness to CHD and the little warriors who fight this disease.

1 out of every 100 newborns are born with CHD. For the unborn baby, this type of defect is not life-threatening because they are still using their mother’s cardiovascular system, through their attachment to the placenta, to pump blood and nutrients through their own circulatory system. Their heart is beating and there are times that a defect can be seen with an ultrasound but the majority of defects remain undiagnosed until after the baby is born and their own heart takes over.

There have been many advancements in the treatment of CHD enabling those newborns with complex cases to have greater survival rates, but more is needed specifically for Pediatric CHD in order to improve outcomes.

Digital Curve Marketing was honored to work with this amazing group, and look forward to working with them into the future.

To learn more about Team Trace, visit

Also visit their Facebook page Here

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